Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mr. Chicago Leather and lots of other thoughts!

So I've been busy with lots of things lately but one of the fun things I've been a part of was the Mr. Chicago Leather contest last weekend at Touché.  Congratulations Angel!!  It was a lot of fun to get together with other leathermen and leatherwomen and being a part of that community (and enjoying the smell of a leather bar full of leather!).

While some people find leather titles to be a little silly or archaic, I find them interesting and intriguing.  I cannot say that I've always found them to be such.  I mean the first one that I attended I was confused and completely out of the loop as to what was going on.  I was just watching sexy men walk across the stage and ogling them.  I had no idea these were men that were going to represent my city at IML or to other places as they traveled the event circuit of the year.  Nor did I know there was more to the competition that I didn't get to see.  That didn't happen until the next year when I watched it with a friend who's partner happened to be competing in the event.

I learned so much about the competition and how it was actually a serious event where these men wanted to represent the leathermen of Chicago.  They have a desire to better the community from which they come that has helped make them who they are.  Part of this may still be lost on me, but I at least think I have a better understanding of what it means for someone to be a titleholder.

I have to say this year I really paid attention though.  I paid attention to how the men presented themselves, and how they actually answered the question they were asked (and yes still ogled a little, they were hot!).  It was interesting because I felt like I had an opinion on what they were saying as if I was really a part of the community, which they are going to represent, but somehow at the same time I felt not a part of it.  

In many ways I know I'm a part of the community. By nature being a leatherboy I am a part of the leather community, but it seems there are so many parts that are greatly unknown to me.  Part of me really doesn't know why I feel this disconnect between myself and the community, but then I look around the room and begin to understand it (or at least think I do) slightly.  The majority of the men around me are easily 10-15 years my senior.  I have no issue with this these men are wonderful and have so much to pass on, but where are my peers?  

As was wonderfully said at the contest, the pups of today are the dogs of tomorrow.  Where are my fellow boys (pups) who want to be the men (dogs) of tomorrow?  I can't be the only one wanting to be a part of this process of being mentored and brought up through the ranks.  Together we can keep this community alive and thriving, but alone we stand in our corners and hope someone does something to keep it alive for us.  

This is our community too!  We may not have as much experience as those men around us, but we have ideas, we have the ability, we can do it.  It's not time to sit around and wait until we get called upon to take the lead, it's time to take the step and be a part of the now so when it's our turn to really take the lead we can do it and show those boys how to take the lead one day!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What's up with the title?

I find myself to be in a bit of an interesting place as I hear the conversations go on about the clashing of the Old Guard and the New Guard.  I'm a child of this new generation being talked about that needs to get into the leather bars and keep the community alive.  I couldn't agree more!  I love being in my local leather bars in gear hanging out with like minded men enjoying our kinks together.  Not every weekend and every time I go out, but it's definitely nice to go and be welcomed by friends each time I go.

Though I have to say I know this isn't the experience that everyone has when they go into a leather bar.  Some feel out of place without a piece of leather or rubber on, and others feel as if they can't break into the groups of guys already standing around having a beer and sharing a laugh.  I find these tragedies, but I'll be the first to admit I'm not the first one to walk up to them and say hello and welcome them into my group of friends or just strike up a conversation with them.

But I've digressed, how is it that we want to welcome new people into our community to keep it alive and thriving when the people already trying can barely make it in?   Who are we to be welcoming people in when we have dissonance amongst ourselves about how our community should act, "Old or New Guard"?

Well I'll tell you I think it's gonna be real tough.  I do not claim to be an expert on Old Guard or New Guard for that matter, or even what the terms really refer to.  I do know the people who are a part of both worlds are not that different from one another and really want the same things and would benefit from the many mutual ideals, but as all people are too stubborn to acknowledge.  So for me knowing people on both sides and really enjoying and understanding aspects from each side of this topic I find I hold an interesting perspective and hope to share it with you all.

It's good to be back!

For those of you who haven't read my previous blog perhaps it's confusing for me to say it's good to be back, but it really is!  (If you're curious about the other one take a look, yearunderlockandkey.blogspot.com)

This blog will be of a very different variety for those of you who were following A Year Under Lock and Key, but I think you'll still enjoy it.  For you chastity enthusiasts don't worry I'll be bringing it back every now and then I'm sure.

This blog will be more dedicated to my ramblings and thoughts on the kinky world.  There are many important things going on in the community right now.  I'd like to do my part to help put them out there and perhaps educate someone or throw a different view point into the mix.  But don't worry I won't spend my whole time on a soap box, I will include stories of my exploits, other stories I find or decide to write and many other things.

So I hope you will enjoy this blog as much as other seemed to enjoy A Year Under Lock and Key!